Find and verify service providers
List services on the platform and keep the content up-to-date
Manage online payments and payoffs
Support and resolve occurring issues
Manage orders with
a dedicated business app to be sure it will
not get lost in email
or WhatsApp mess
Set up a call through Calendly and receive a free consultation with our representative
Share with us the list of services provided by your company, choose additional services, and we will create an online menu for your guests
Integrate a link into the booking confirmation email, and place a QR code in the apartment
Start generating new revenue from the extra services your guests book
No, we don't offer guests to book an apartment. We offer to order additional services. We have a B2C portal in our roadmap. If you think it would be a good idea, let us know.
1. Supporting information about the city and its attractions.
2. In-house holiday homes services, including additional cleaning, repair requests, and late check-out.
3. Access to offers from verified third-party service providers, including rental services, grocery delivery, transfers, and more.
4. Genuinely designed services, such as luggage storage.
It's completely free for you. We generate revenue through commissions from our connected suppliers and operate on a commission share model with you. This means that you can provide services to your guests and have the opportunity to earn money while doing so.
We select and connect only proven suppliers, considering factors such as positive online reviews and stringent contract terms. We also track every order to ensure seamless service delivery. Quality is of utmost importance to us, and we carefully review each feedback in detail. Our success is rooted in maintaining a high standard of service quality.